Passata from Nonna Monteleone
Nonna Monteleone
Nonna is 80+ years old and makes passata every tomato season since she was very very young. Read all about her passata making experience in this blogpost.
Ripe tomatoes
A few basil leaves
Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, remove the green stalk and cut the tomatoes in half. Cook for twenty minutes in a little water until the skin comes off well.
Pass the tomatoes through a passing sieve and also strain the residue through it for extra flavor. Add a little salt.
Place two basil leaves in your empty jars or bottles and pour the passata over them. Seal the jars
tightly. Place the jars and bottles in a large kettle. Put a cloth between them so they don't break. Pour
water over them. Sterilize the jars for forty minutes in boiling water.
Let the jars cool in the kettle of water for twenty-four hours.
Sara Lenzi
Sara is the chef from the Brussels based italian restaurant Entre Nous. We love working with them for pasta or passata workshops.
2 kg of Tomatoes (San Marzano or Roma) for +/- 1l passata
a few basil leaves
Check the tomatoes one by one, removing rotten, stained or bruised ones. Then
wash them very well under running water. Put them in a bowl and start cutting in half.
Let them cook over low heat, stirring from time to time, until they are smashed. Do
not add water, it is not necessary. If your passata is too liquid you can remove extra
water with a mesh strainer. Now take a tomato strainer machine and, with a ladle,
begin to place the cooked tomatoes in the special slot.
Turn on the tomato strainer and with the help of the stomper apply some pressure on
the tomatoes, to make them go down and enter the machine. You can pass what is
left two times to be sure to extract everything.
Now fill your sterilised jars (you can resuse the jars but you always have to use new
caps) with your passata but not to the brim. You can add some basil leaves for extra flavour.
Your passata is ready, if you want to store it for at least a year you need to vaccum
your jars. Boil your full jars in a large pot (put a clean cloth on the bottom and wrap the jars
with clots as weel, to prevent them to crash) for 30 minutes from the moment of
boiling. After this time, turn off the heat and let the jars cool in the water. Remove the
jars from the pot ONLY when the water is cool.
